Pool-fix™ Filler/Grout

Pool-fix™ is a solvent-free, wet tolerant coating system specifically designed for the repair of underwater areas.

It is especially effective for the protection of ceramic tiles within swimming pools and is ideal for carrying out repairs without the requirement to empty the pool.

This coating system is available in 2 versions:

> Pool-Fix™
> Pool-Fix™ Filler/Grout

Pool-fix™ is a solvent-free

Product information

Pool-fix™ Filler/Grout is a solvent-free, wet tolerant protective coating which has been specifically designed for the repair of underwater areas or in very wet areas as a filler/grout or crack repair compound for poorly prepared metal and concrete substrates.

This system is ideal for repairing large cracks and fixing tiles without the requirement to empty the pool.

Primary features and characteristics:

  • Solvent-free (low odour), wet tolerant underwater repair system
  • Suitable for underwater applications and on wet surfaces as a filler/grout
  • Ideal for filling cracks, divits, holes or fixing tiles
  • Exhibits excellent abrasion resistance
  • Ability to withstand severe physical stresses caused by wave action
  • Significantly reduced H&S standards
  • No overcoating limitations
  • Offers minimal dispersion during application, which in turn:
    • reduces potential contamination of the environment
    • helps to keep expensive diving suits and equipment clean
    • improves the controllability and accuracy as the diver’s vision is clearer for a longer period  of time
    • improves efficiency and productivity

Underwater Coatings video

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Swimming Pool Coatings video

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